Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vowels time!

Now it's time to move to the second part of the video, the vowels!
(starting at 6:30~)

          Notice how all the vowels start with ㅇ. As stated before, it is a silent character at the beginning.
Here are the vowels without the ㅇ that Professor Oh said.

 ㅏ   ㅑ   ㅓ   ㅕ  ㅗ   ㅛ   ㅜ   ㅠ   ㅡ  ㅣ

         These vowels are the most common vowels you will be using. There are more consonants and vowels, but for now we'll start with those.

        Now to understand how to put together those characters to form a group of characters, there are horizontal and vertical vowels. I managed to snag a book, Integrated Korean: Beginning 1, from a good friend from his Korean class. It explains in text very simply:

"One block of character has at least one consonant, and only one vowel, should there be two separate vowels, it would create a new block"

To explain it in a video form, fast forward to 2:57 in the following video:

     It shows you the word for "child" which is 아이. You are more than welcome to watch the whole video too! A good start would be to write your name in Korean!

      Make sure you write it according to what it sounds like, because all the "ahh" sounds are not "aay".

        Caitlyn, the a in this name would be ㅐ(ahh + eee). It's a compound vowel, putting ㅏand ㅣ together. See how the sound makes the difference?

    Comment on what your name is! Harmonity would be 하몬이티.

 ~  안녕히 가세요 ~!


  1. 그레고리

    The riut...r/l thing is hard to figure reminds me a little of the Japanese issue with using an "R" sound since they have no "L". Also for the "eh" in Gregory, the "euh" vowel subbed in.
    Knowing when to start and stop from character to character takes getting used doesn't really follow the English syllable as expected.

  2. You're right, it doesn't follow the English syllable as well. But it definitely is fun to see how your name is perceived from a Hangul perspective!
